HKLIVING Wall Art Ceramic Bouquet AWD8983

Wall Art Ceramic Bouquet


Wall Art Ceramic Bouquet


Wall Art Ceramic Bouquet


Add a splash of warmth and a quirky touch of nostalgia to your living space with our ceramic wall art series. Inspired by the organic elegance of floral forms, these charming pieces offer a playful nod to the past while remaining bold and contemporary.

Crafted with a keen eye for detail, every curve and groove of the wall art is designed to mimic the natural flow of petals, bringing a soft, natural aesthetic to the daring of its warm orange hue. A statement piece that evokes the soulful appeal of the 70s, yet fits seamlessly into the modern home. It's perfect for adding character to a minimalist space or complementing an eclectic mix of textures and colours in your interior.

Dimensions 20x2x25cm

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